Saturday, August 10, 2019

21 Day Fix and My 100 Healthy School Lunch Challenge

For more on the 100 Healthy Lunch Challenge, see 100 Days 100 Healthy Lunches

Today I got my portion control containers in the mail to start 21 Day Fix. I’m in the middle (scratch that, first 2 weeks of) Morning Meltdown 100, and I really don’t want to wait until it’s over to start all things 21 Day Fix, so I think I’m going to start Sunday, August 11, so it coincides with my son’s first week of school, as we begin his 100 day healthy lunch challenge. He won’t be using portion control containers, of course, and neither will my 2 year old daughter, who stays at home 3 days a week with Dad, but I am going to try to create meals similar enough to each other I’m not making 3 separate lunches. 

I have a plan to grill some chicken for dinner Tuesday, and use the leftovers for salad. My son likes salad as long as 1.) there’s chicken in it and 2.) it has ranch. Ranch isn’t on my menu, but I’ll include in his and my daughter’s lunches, just a little less than they’d probably like. Sometimes it turns into ranch with salad. We’re a work in progress here. 

I’ve also got broccoli and cauliflower chopped up to go for all three of us, some carrots and hummus. This will be day one lunch. For Thursday and Friday, I plan on using the rest of the chicken for quesadillas the kids Thursday and mixed in with a corn salad Friday, and more for my greens salad, because I can eat the same lunch three days in a row. I’ve got some hummus to throw into their lunch to dip veggies, and some grapes and berries.  I send my son with a huge water bottle they are allowed in class, but suspect he will also order milk with his lunch.  

This is my plan, and Tuesday I’ve got another small grocery pickup for some essentials and anything I need to add or adjust for. I will be posting pictures daily of the finished products, but wanted to get a plan laid out prior to, as the first week always brings enough craziness of it’s own!

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